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Becoming A Mason

...To be one,  ask one....

Becoming a Mason begins with asking to become one.  It's that simple.  We encourage all that are interested in joining the fraternity to come join us for dinner, (we meet on the 2nd Thursday of each month at 6:30 pm). Not only do you get a free meal, you get the opportunity to sit with and discuss any of the questions you may have directly with the brothers of our lodge. 


Once you have decided to take your first steps in masonry you will complete a petition, and the process begins.  There are three steps in the path to becoming a Master Mason... the Entered Apprentice, the Fellowcraft and the Master Mason.  It doesn't matter what step in your journey you're on we are all brothers and treat each other as such no matter where in the world you may travel. 


Myths & Misconceptions 

What We Are Not 
We are not a secret society! A secret society is generally one that wraps itself in a cloak of absolute secrecy. That means no one knows who the members are, where they meet, what they do or what they stand for. 

That is not Masonry at all! Masonry may have "secrets," but it is not a secret society. Masonic secrets are few in number, and deal with the general method of initiation, the ways we recognize each other, and very little else. These parts of the ritual, which are called the esoteric side of Masonry, have been handed down by word of mouth for centuries. 

Masonry's purposes, ideals, and principles may be learned by anyone who inquires. There are numerous books on these subjects which are available to the public. Masonic lodges often have public notices in the newspapers, and our members are usually numbered among the more active citizens in the community. 

We are not a Religion 
Masonry, as an organization, is understanding and tolerant of all religious thoughts. 

Masonry has no specific creed, dogma, or priesthood. There are no requirements as to religious preference in becoming a Mason. 

Masonry does ask you to state your belief and trust in a Supreme Being. Nonsectarian Prayers are a common part of all our ceremonies, but are not offered to a specific deity. 

Masonic ritual does incorporate lessons and examples from the Bible, but they are given as representative illustrations. 

Masonry does not require you to belong to a church, synagogue, or mosque.  Although many Masons are very active in their religious organizations, and among our members are leaders of many denominations. 

Freemasonry accepts your right to belong to any church or religious organization of your choice, and does not infringe on that right. Neither does Masonry try to be a substitute for your church. Masonry wants to unite men for the purpose of brotherhood, not as an organized religion. 

Here is a great place to get more info about joining our great fraternity


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